Thursday 6 November 2008

The Holy Spirit

my understanding of the holy spirit [ what comes to my mind ] is that its the talents you are blessed with, when someone tells you are natural in this and that; its like your inner strength in action among others and its the strength that attracts goodness to your life and can influence others. like anything else, it needs nurture to bloom and you are the first to notice that.

everyone has gifts

you too, just look inside

are we spotless ?

nope never!! nobody is, maybe if someone adores you, they would think so

in simple words readers

appreciate yourself

you are special and blessed

do you realize that you are alive, full functional humans!! you can do miracles!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, you did a pretty good job there Tala! Do you mind if I add my bit? Of course, being a Christian, I call Him 'He', Someone who fills me with inner strength and does give those gifts and talents in an empowered way, and even lets me do miracles sometimes.

Inspirational post. Thank you!

a different perspective said...

Nice post.

are we spotless ?
nope never!! nobody is, maybe if someone adores you, they would think so

We're all unique. what can be considered spots/imperfections to one person might be seen as a good trait to another.

Tala said...

true Kinzi, I can relate with what you said, it is something beautiful

Different Perspective, that's another aspect to it :)

Thank you for your comments